First Baptist Church of Sebree, Kentucky |
-- A pleasant Saturday afternoon brought out many parents and grandparents with infants, toddlers, preschoolers and elementary age students to First Baptist Church in Sebree. They came for an eggceptional hunt of brightly-colored eggs and received much more.

Dawn Whitsell directed everyone on details of the hunt, but before she let the anxious youngsters get started for the event, she shared what the celebrated day of Easter is all about:
"The meaning of Easter is the celebration of the resurrection.
It is the reason that we celebrate. Jesus arose from the tomb and he is alive," she emphasized, posing with a firm stance while attempting to make direct eye contact with

as many children as possible.
The amount of time she spoke was brief, but her words and posture conveyed a strong message, which ended with a prayer of thankfulness.

Instructed on groupings and areas to search in, then given the word from leaders that it was time to begin, kids took to the grass in three separate areas to look for treasures, including a golden egg that entitled the finder to a special prize.

In just moments, all of the eggs were in happy children's baskets.
Dawn Whitsell and her four children |
Afterwards, adults and children emptied most of the plastic eggs to leave them useable for a future hunt. Even though Ms.Whitsell had told them earlier that even if they decided to take them home, that was fine, too.

Children who found the 'golden egg' claimed their special prizes, and folks chatted and organized their treasures. Pastor Bob Hardison was on hand to talk with adults and children and enjoy watching the hunt.
The event had been a memorable one for me. I took my 2-year old granddaughter along, and her grandpa joined in as well. For children ages 0-2 years, the hunt was held in an enclosed area for the safety
of the children, and there was a toddler play set to enjoy after the goodies were gathered, which included a small stuffed bunny for each child.
While at the hunt, I had the opportunity to speak with Dr. Hardison, the pastor - to ask him a few questions about the church. He shared that the church was established in 1891. He'd been the pastor there for 33 years, and had been with the church through many changes and events, such as its 100th anniversary in 1991, as well as developments, including a building addition in 2002.

His eyes seemed to sparkle a bit, as he shared with me how delighted he was that the addition was paid off in nine years. The ninth year had been in 2011 - framed photos of the addition's groundbreaking and note burning day were on the foyer wall as a remembrance.
Groundbreaking, April 2002 |
Note burning, January 2011 |
Dr. Hardison had also enjoyed sharing with me, over the phone recently, about the bicycle ministry. The church serves as an overnight stay hostel for cyclists along the
TransAmerica Bicycle Trail.
Annually, about 250 cyclists come to the accommodation, which provides amenities such as showers, washer/dryer and a recreation facility. To learn more about the ministry and the church, see